John Day Basin Partnership
The John Day River
The John Day River Basin in northeast Oregon is home to native aquatic fish species and habitat of state significance, small rural communities whose economy is centered on agriculture and natural resources, and exceptional historical and cultural riches. The 8,100 square mile John Day River basin is one of the most important undammed river systems in the West and hosts two of the last remaining intact wild anadromous fish populations in the Columbia River System. Much of the John Day’s aquatic habitat is addressed in federal and state conservation plans and is designated a priority for recovery by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board’s (OWEB) Focused Investment Program.
The Partnership
The John Day Basin Partnership (“Partnership") first formed in September 2014 around the shared belief that jointly creating and executing a more comprehensive and coordinated basinwide strategic action plan was the best way to reach a common vision and bring in the additional sustained funding needed to substantially increase the pace, scale, and impact of watershed restoration in the basin. The John Day Basin Partnership’s brings together stakeholders from across the basin with the common interest of restoring and maintaining our watersheds to maximize their ecological, economic, social, and cultural benefits. We apply deep knowledge of the basin, best available science, and cooperative planning and fundraising to empower more actions that establish healthy and resilient watershed habitats, native fish populations, working landscapes, and local communities for future generations.
The Partners
The John Day Basin Partnership currently includes 30 partners doing great work across the basin.
A special THANK YOU to the:
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board for Focused Investment Partnership (FIP) capacity and implementation funding support; and
John Day Basin's Private Landowners who make the Partnership's conservation and restoration projects possible!
SAP to be reviewed and approved by full Partnership by June 2021