The Partnership recognizes that continued public and landowner support and involvement are critical to continued effectiveness and ultimate success, and approved and formed an Outreach Committee in June, 2017 to develop an outreach strategy for public engagement. The Partnership Outreach Committee is made up of volunteer partners with broad representation from various partner organizations across the basin. The primary purpose of the Outreach Working Group is to support the Partnership with design, development, and facilitation of a public relations and communication campaign including identifying target audiences, what to tell them, developing short and long term outreach plans, and outreach for both the SAP itself and activities by Partners to meet broader community outreach goals and objectives developed by subbasin working groups and summarized in Section 10 Goal 3.
This Outreach Committee will:
- Help establish the Partnership’s general approach to outreach throughout the basin,
- Help to include and represent stakeholders, partners, landowners, and the public in the Partnership’s events and goals,
- Coordinate and participate in stakeholder engagement campaigns to increase landowner participation in restoration, and
- Develop, maintain, and adapt outreach materials to be used by the Partnership and partners.
The Outreach Working Group has identified and segmented our target audiences, drafted talking points, and compiled a list of external communications methods and materials through which to thread the Partnership’s messages. Proposed content centers on user-friendly terminology, emphasizing responsiveness to local needs, potential expansion of available funding and on-the-ground impact, through shared community values. The following documents completed for Partnership outreach area available on the Project Tracker or by request:
No documents
Basic information about the JDBP
JDBP Landowner Assistance Pamphlet