Upper John Day LiDAR Project
Project Type
Technical Assistance
Lead Implementer
North Fork John Day Watershed Council
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Other Organizations
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, South Fork John Day Watershed Council, United States Geological Survey
Project Manager
Kristen Walz (kristen@nfjdwc.org)
Project Stage
2020 - 2021
Estimated Total Cost
Secured Funding
No Funding Source Identified Yet
Pending Funding
Technical Assistance
This project proposed the acquisition of high quality LiDAR in the Upper Middle Fork and Headwaters North Fork focal FIP geographies. High quality LiDAR will inform project planning, design, watershed modeling, and landscape scale monitoring. Restoration projects developed in the 3 FIP focal geographies aim to address the following limiting factors: reduced habitat connectivity, complexity, & flow regime function, degraded water quality, altered hydrology, reduced riparian condition and degraded riparian vegetative communities, altered sediment routing and overland flow, LWD recruitment, and impaired fish passage & habitat connectivity.
Targeted Metric
No Expected Accomplishments provided
Focal Species
- Bull trout
- ESA listed Steelhead
- Pacific Lamprey
- Spring Chinook
Implementation and Ecological Results
- 2 - Reconnect Floodplain
- 3 - Increase Riparian Connection & Plant Communities
- 4 - Improve Instream Channel Connectivity & Complexity
- 5 - Increase Physical Connectivity to Habitat
- 6 - Increase Water Quantity & Quality
- 7 - Streambank Shading Increased
- 8 - Spatial Distribution of Native Fish Increased
- 9 - Stream Temperature Restored to Desired Range
- 10 - Habitat Diversity, Complexity & Structure Improved
- 11 - Flows Support Freshwater Native Fish Life Stages
Working Groups
No Working Groups provided
LJDWG - Critical Issues
No LJDWG - Critical Issues provided
$165,008.00 Secured Funding: John Day Basin Focus Investment Partnership (OWEB)
No additional photos provided
Project last updated 8/15/2022