Extra Details
Vinegar to Vincent Fish Habitat Improvement Project
Project Type
Restoration of Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
Lead Implementer
Confederated Tribes Of Warm Springs
Bonneville Power Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Project Manager
Stefan Kelly (stefan.kelly@ctwsbnr.org)
Project Stage
2020 - 2022
Restoration of Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
The Vinegar to Vincent Fish Habitat Improvement project is located on the Middle Fork John Day River (MFJDR). Prior land management activities and the installation of the railroad grade have resulted in a straightened and incised channel with limited floodplain interaction. Coupled with a degraded riparian corridor, temperatures have significantly increased throughout the basin, verging on the upper thermal tolerances of salmonids. This project will address these legacy effects through the addition of habitat complexity, extensive planting, and removal of the historic railroad grade, improving instream conditions for all native aquatic species.
Key Accomplishments
Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of Project
Focal Species
- ESA listed Steelhead
- Spring Chinook
Implementation and Ecological Results
- 2 - Reconnect Floodplain
- 3 - Increase Riparian Connection & Plant Communities
- 4 - Improve Instream Channel Connectivity & Complexity
- 6 - Increase Water Quantity & Quality
- 7 - Streambank Shading Increased
- 10 - Habitat Diversity, Complexity & Structure Improved
Working Groups
No Working Groups provided
LJDWG - Critical Issues
No LJDWG - Critical Issues provided
The Middle Fork John Day River was previously relocated to accommodate agriculture and the railroad.
No expenditures provided
Phase 1_Channel Excavation (Timing: During)
Phase 1_Channel Excavation (Timing: During)
Phase 1_Wood Placement and Willow Trenches (Timing: After)
Phase 1_Channel Excavation (Timing: After)
Project last updated 8/30/2024