Extra Details
North Fork Monitoring FIP
Project Type
Monitoring Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
Lead Implementer
North Fork John Day Watershed Council
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, Confederated Tribes Of Warm Springs, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Forest Service
Other Organizations
U.S. Forest Service - Umatilla
Project Manager
Javan Bailey (javan@nfjdwc.org)
Project Stage
2020 - 2022
Monitoring Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) will work in collaboration with the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla and the U.S. Forest Service to monitor the productivity of both spring Chinook and Mid-C summer steelhead in Desolation Creek following habitat restoration. Fish monitoring will estimate the abundance and distribution of spawning adults, and abundance and survival of out-migrating juveniles.
ODFW will be installing a screw trap on Desolation Creek.Temperature and flow data in the North Fork John Day River are collected by multiple agencies and the NFJDWC will consolidate this data and supplement it by adding 18 temperature monitoring locations and 2 discharge sites.
ODFW will be installing a screw trap on Desolation Creek.Temperature and flow data in the North Fork John Day River are collected by multiple agencies and the NFJDWC will consolidate this data and supplement it by adding 18 temperature monitoring locations and 2 discharge sites.
Key Accomplishments
- Extent occupied by Chinook fall spawning surveys: 23.00 linear stream miles
- Extent occupied by steelhead spring spawning surveys: 19.30 linear stream miles
Focal Species
- ESA listed Steelhead
- Spring Chinook
Implementation and Ecological Results
- 9 - Stream Temperature Restored to Desired Range
- 11 - Flows Support Freshwater Native Fish Life Stages
Working Groups
No Working Groups provided
LJDWG - Critical Issues
No LJDWG - Critical Issues provided
Native Mid-C summer steelhead
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $129,023.71
U.S. Forest Service (USFS): $9,635
Confederated Tr... (Warm Springs Tribe): $1,200
FIP - Monitoring/Data Analysi... (OWEB): $86,929
Oregon Department of Fish and... (ODFW): $31,260
No additional photos provided
Project last updated 8/15/2022