Extra Details
JDBP Focal Geography Targeted Outreach
Project Type
Stakeholder Engagement
Lead Implementer
Blue Mountain Land Trust
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Other Organizations
Gilliam County Soil and Water Conservation District, Mid John Day/Bridge Creek Watershed Council, North Fork John Day Watershed Council, Trout Unlimited, Wheeler County Soil and Water Conservation District
Project Manager
Amanda Martino (marti@bmlt.org)
Project Stage
2020 - 2021
Stakeholder Engagement
This project aims to reach landowners and land managers in a strategic, targeted manner within the three identified priority subwatersheds: the Headwaters North Fork John Day, the Upper Middle Fork John Day, and Butte/Thirtymile. This project will use Atlas, the Partnership's prioritization tool, to identify areas of high restoration potential and to ultimately develop aquatic habitat restoration projects. Project partners will plan and communicate throughout the duration of the project to ensure high priority opportunities are explored and to avoid redundant landowner outreach.
Key Accomplishments
Accomplishments to be provided upon completion of Project
Focal Species
- Bull trout
- ESA listed Steelhead
- Spring Chinook
Implementation and Ecological Results
- 8 - Spatial Distribution of Native Fish Increased
Working Groups
No Working Groups provided
LJDWG - Critical Issues
No LJDWG - Critical Issues provided
Dunstan Conservation Area on the Middle Fork John Day River
Location Not Specified
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $1,170.40
FIP - Stakeholder Engagement (OWEB): $1,170
No additional photos provided
Project last updated 8/30/2024