Extra Details
Upper Thirtymile Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration
Project Type
Restoration of Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
Lead Implementer
Gilliam County Soil and Water Conservation District
Gilliam County Soil and Water Conservation District, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
Other Organizations
Confederated Tribes Of Warm Springs
Project Manager
Herb Winters (herb.gilliamswcd@gmail.com)
Project Stage
2022 - 2023
Restoration of Aquatic Native Fish Habitat
The purpose of this project is to restore geomorphic, hydrologic
and biological process to approximately 5.7 miles of Thritymile Creek to improve habitat for the threatened Mid-Colombia River steelhead. Habitat impairments currently include:
• High surface water temperature
• Lack of channel complexity
• Ephemerally low and/or intermittent surface flow
and biological process to approximately 5.7 miles of Thritymile Creek to improve habitat for the threatened Mid-Colombia River steelhead. Habitat impairments currently include:
• High surface water temperature
• Lack of channel complexity
• Ephemerally low and/or intermittent surface flow
Key Accomplishments
- Number of structures installed: 331
- Stream miles treated: 5.70 linear stream miles
Focal Species
- ESA listed Steelhead
Implementation and Ecological Results
- 2 - Reconnect Floodplain
- 4 - Improve Instream Channel Connectivity & Complexity
- 6 - Increase Water Quantity & Quality
- 7 - Streambank Shading Increased
- 10 - Habitat Diversity, Complexity & Structure Improved
Working Groups
- Lower John Day Working Group
LJDWG - Critical Issues
- #1- Poor riparian habitat
- #2- Elevated summer stream temperatures and low instream oxygen
- #3- Insufficient instream flow
- #4- Storage needs
Comstock Basin - Thirtymile Creek
Expenditures by Funding Source to Date: $234,045.00
Environmental Quality Incenti... (NRCS): $59,870
FIP - Restoration (OWEB): $172,375
(Gilliam Soil and Water Conservation District): $1,800
Cabin Canyon Reach - Thirymile Creek (Timing: Before)
Salmon Fork Reach - Thirtymile Creek (Timing: Before)
Comstock Basin (Timing: After)
Project last updated 8/30/2024